Cocoa Nutella Puppy Chow

December 17, 2012 § Leave a comment

I mixed a spoonful of Nutella into my oatmeal the other day (delicious), and I’ve been trying to incorporate Nutella into every single meal ever since. While doing some research, I came across a recipe for Nutella hot chocolate (Shockingly Delicious), and while I don’t recommend using soy milk, this recipe is one of those no brainers. Hot milk + spoonful of Nutella = Nutella hot chocolate.

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I then decided that my next great Nutella adventure would be in puppy chow. This crack like snack has been something that I have yet to master. My last attempt at pumpkin pie puppy chow turned into a gooey, frozen mess (I thought putting in it the freezer for a few minutes would somehow make it crunchy again, wrong). So this time around I was a little more hesitant that the end product would be edible.

It ended up turning out more than edible, but a bowl was injured in the process of this recipe. If anyone has any tips on how to get burned plastic off a stove I would appreciate it.

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While searching for puppy chow variations I came across this great blog, The Young Austinian, that featured what I thought was a puppy chow masterpiece. The variations featured ingredients from marshmallow fluff to vanilla paste, but the Nutella equation was the one I was after.


To make this puppy chow stand out, I covered it with cocoa powder instead of powdered sugar. You’ll definitely need a glass of milk or water to go with this. If I did it again, I think it might be interesting to make a Hot Chocolate puppy chow with marshmallow fluff and hot chocolate mix.

My only puppy chow tip would be patience. It may not look like your puppy chow is coated in chocolate at first, but after working it into the chow it slowly becomes enough. Don’t make the same Halloween mistake I did and double up on the chocolate coating, because that results in soggy, cereal-that-has-been-in-milk-too-long taste. And nobody likes that.

Cocoa Nutella Puppy Chow

Servings: Makes 1/4 gallon bag of puppy chow

1/4 bag of 12 oz Corn Chex Cereal

1/4 cup semi-sweet or dark chocolate

1/4 cup white chocolate

2 tablespoons butter

1/4 cup Nutella

Cocoa powder


  • Heat pan on medium-low heat. Melt butter and chocolate stirring constantly. 

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  • Once melted, remove from heat and stir in Nutella.

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  • Pour over cereal, and using hands mix chocolate coating into cereal.

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  • Once covered, put chocolate chex mixture into a ziplock bag, sprinkle with cocoa powder, and shake. Add more cocoa powder as needed.

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