Beet and Mango Spring Rolls

June 27, 2013 § 2 Comments

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this enough, but I love Whole Foods. And I don’t think I’ve mentioned this at all, but I’ve recently moved to Austin and have found myself in Whole Foods headquarters. There’s something special about wondering the aisles of a grocery store late at night. When you can actually hear the music over the rustle of the shopping carts, and employees have the time to smile and ask you if there’s anything you would like to try. It’s like Disney World closed for the day in order to host a private party just for you. Everything screams “be our guest.”

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All this aside, I stopped off at the mecca of Whole Foods on Sunday to grab a drink, and soon realized this was no easy task. For one, you can’t just pop into the mothership of Whole Foods without paying your dues. For another, you can’t just drop by Whole Foods on a Sunday afternoon and expect to get anywhere fast. It’s the amusement park of grocery stores and you must be “this patient” in order to stand in line. While waiting in one of these said lines for a build-your-own juice that I had so generously, and now regretfully, offered to pick up for a friend, I studied the menu board. I realized that many of those smoothies/juices could double as delicious meals when left unblended, so when Monday rolled around, I realized that the order I had transcribed for my friend would make for some delicious spring rolls. So thank you Kaska for being my inspiration, and thank you Whole Foods for making all my food dreams come true. I’ll still wait in your lines, but might I suggest a Fast Pass for frequent shoppers.

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Beet and Mango Spring Rolls

Makes about 4 spring rolls


Rice wrappers

1/2 cup chopped beets (I went the easy route and took these from the Whole Foods salad bar)

1/2 cup chopped cucumber (same with these)

1 mango, diced

6-8 basil leaves, ribboned (tutorial in directions)

Half a bag of vermicelli noodles

Head of kale


Sesame seeds (optional)

Soy sauce

Sriracha sauce

Sesame oil


  • Cook vermicelli noodles according to package – about 5 minutes in boiling water.

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  • Mix ingredients for sauce as you see fit. I like my sauces to be heavier on the sesame oil and sriracha, but I’ll let you be the judge. Peanut butter would also be a nice addition.

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  • Ribbon the basil leaves. Do this by stacking a few leaves on top of each other, rolling them up, then slicing vertically (shout out Mrs. Sheffield for this tutorial!

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  • Dip the rice wrappers one at a time in warm water for about 5 seconds. Layer with kale (I would suggest ripping the leaves off the center vein as it tends to be extra crunchy), vermicelli noodles, mango, beet, cucumber, and basil.

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  • Roll, slice, and dip.

§ 2 Responses to Beet and Mango Spring Rolls

  • I am going to try this but am going to add avocado slices to this…What do you think? Maybe leave out the noodles (I use rice noodles) since the wrapper is rice…

    • Kelly says:

      I think that’s a wonderful idea! I wish I could have fit avocado into my wrap, but I got a little too carried away with the stuffing 🙂 Let me know how it turns out!

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