About Eggs

Why Eggs?

You know who I love?…

…Julia Roberts.

Big smile and all. I’ve loved her from the moment my mom made me watch Steel Magnolias and I love her even now when she’s making bad movies like Eat.Pray.Love and Larry Crowne. She’s paid her dues, so she can do whatever she wants in my book.

But,  (and here’s my tie-in) one of my favorite roles she has played would have to be Maggie Carpenter in Runaway Bride. I love this characacter because she doesn’t really truly know what she likes – from her type of man down to the way she eats her eggs.

And I think that’s where I kind of am in life right now too.

I don’t know how I like my eggs, much less could I cook one a few months ago.

I’m 23, fresh out of college, newly employed, and about to be completely, 100% on my own.

And I’m excited. From now on my food choices will be solely based on what I want and when I want it. I feel like I’m embarking on the most selfish time of my life. And if I let myself push the thoughts of being an adult out of my mind, I know that I can really enjoy this. Here’s to a whole lot of me time and a new blog to document it in.


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