About Me

Hi. I’m Kelly, and I’m glad you found me. I’m a 23 year old, Dallas native, but have only recently made the jump from the suburbs to the city after graduating from college.

A few months ago I could hardly boil an egg, much less water. I’d never really grown up on “family recipes,” unless you count  a hot, delivered pizza or the infamous breakfast for dinner. My cooking skills, or lack there of, were never addressed and I think it was assumed that I would cross that bridge when it came. Well it definitely didn’t come my first three years in college. I got away with microwave meals and take out much too often and my cooking skills kept collecting dust. Finally, my senior year I moved into a house with three other girls and a brand new kitchen. I was then rudely awakened to the fact that compared to my roommates I was eating like a caveman. I can’t tell you how many nights I had lemon pepper chicken and rice while I sat drooling over my roommate’s concoctions.  But then, something changed. I don’t know if it was the four cookbooks my mother forced upon me for Christmas, or the trip to Alaska where I was served one delicious home cooked meal after another, but suddenly I wanted to know what the secret was. Why were some people growing up with go-to’s like “dad’s decadent chocolate milkshake” and “grandma’s eat your heart out chicken” in their back pockets, ready to pull out when their day took a turn for the worse or they needed a good reminder of comfort food, when all I was left with was a passing salsa recipe and maybe some decent chocolate chip cookies? But hey, I guess a girl’s gotta start somewhere, and those two recipes alone are bound to get you into a party or out of a fight at the very least.

I’m no certified nutritionist. I’m no certified chef. And heck, most of the recipes that I post aren’t going to be originals, but I have a story to tell you. And I want to tell it through food.  So I hope you like what you see and love what you eat. Pleased to meet you.

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