Cookies for Keye

On December 24 2011, one of my coworkers was killed by a random act of violence. While we weren’t very close, Keye was the type of guy who would consider everyone a friend. Every Wednesday he would come around the office with a box of warm, gooey cookies, and combined with his smile and the smell of fresh chocolate chips it was hard to resist.  It wasn’t until after he passed away that I found out he had ordered these cookies for us out of his own pocket. While this might seem like a small task, these cookies gave him a way to connect with each and every person as he went from desk to desk. A “cookie breaker” if you may. He was quite an extraordinary individual.

As a tribute to Keye I wanted to start something to carry on his cookie legacy. Something that would help me connect with others as well. Since graduating college it has been hard to stay in touch with old friends, and I’ll be the first to admit that this stems from my inability to pick up the phone at times. I want to let my friends know that I still care about them and carry the memories we made around with me. So I’ve decided to start a cookie project. Once a week, preferably on Wednesdays, I’ll bake a batch of cookies for one of my friends. These cookies will be themed around something that reminds me of them and the memories we shared. I’ll ship them off, share the recipe, and probably rehash some of the stories that made me choose that cookie. And hey, who doesn’t like receiving cookies in the mail?

Keep checking in, because the next week your cookie clock just might be up 🙂

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