Baked Tilapia with Chickpeas, Olives, and Tomatoes

Behold the first gif I’ve ever created! It’s my gif gift for you.

I’m sure there was an easier way to do this, but it took me quite a while to figure out how to make it loop. So if you could feign impressiveness I would appreciate it.

After you’ve studied this feat for a few minutes, scroll down enough to where you don’t have to catch this out of the corner of your eye as it may give you a headache.

All in all, this recipe is as easy as it looks. (It probably took me longer to make the gif than it did to make the recipe.) The hardest part was probably waiting for this pretty parcel to come out of the oven. I couldn’t even wait around long enough to get a picture of the final result. So you’ll have to take my word for it when I say that this fish is a winner (I tried so hard to not say delish).

The result is quite impressive and I can’t wait to experiment with the different ingredients when I do this again. Because this is too good to make just once, and too fishy to keep for long. Not that it tastes fishy, it’s just that reheated fish never seems to go over well.

Let me know if you have any ingredient suggestions for my next batch!

Baked Tilapia with Chickpeas, Olives, and Tomatoes

Borrowed from: Justina Blakeney

1 tilapia filet per serving – I used 3

2 slices lemon per filet

Olive oil for drizzling

Salt and pepper to taste

Flat leaf parsley, one small bunch per filet

1 can garbanzo beans

5 or so green olives per filet

1 can whole, peeled tomatoes


Crushed Red Pepper



  • Preheat oven to 350.
  • Tear piece of parchment paper for each filet.
  • Combine pinches of salt, pepper, crushed red pepper, cumin, and turmeric in small bowl.
  • Drain garbanzo beans and slightly crush tomatoes in their juices.

  • Follow the picture for the rest:
    • Lemon slices
    • Sprigs of parsley
    • Filet
    • Handful of garbanzo beans
    • Couple green olives
    • Few spoonfuls of tomatoes with juices
    • Drizzle with olive oil
    • Sprinkle with spices

  • Tightly fold up the ends of the parchment paper and place on a baking sheet.
  • Bake for 20 minutes.

Eat and repeat!

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