Edamame Fried Rice

This might make me a food dork, but every time I’m able to make a complete meal with items I already have on hand, I get pretty excited. It’s these rare occurrences in life, when I have rice, eggs, and edamame in the freezer, that I really think I have my act together. But then I whip something up that turns out to be a disaster and I’m back to square one…but that’s another post for another day.

Because this recipe is no disaster. It’s cheap, it’s fast (especially if you use instant rice), it’s healthy, and it’s filling. Quadruple threat!! The reason I had all these ingredients on hand was due to the Thai Veggie Pizza I had made the previous week. So, if you’re only eating for one or two, and need to find some way to incorporate broccoli slaw into something before it goes bad, here’s a way to get two different meals out of the same ingredients.

I must point out that while searching for edamame at Central Market all I could find was this.

I was confused about the marketing tactic here, but individual snack packs of edamame sounded pretty fun to me. Maybe they’re meant to go in a child’s “backpack, backpack.”

I also must point out that I finally found the perfect way to cook brown rice if you’re doing it the long way. I would normally use instant rice, but I mistakenly grabbed the “cook for an hour” stuff at the grocery store a while back and am still trying to get rid of it. With these new directions I’ve found for cooking it though, I may just stick to this method for a while.

How to Make Perfect Brown Rice

And now for the recipe!

Edamame Friend Rice

Adapted from: Skinnytaste Asian Edamame Fried Rice

3 cups cooked brown rice (which is about 1 cup uncooked brown rice)

2 eggs whites, scrambled

1 whole egg, scrambled

1/2 block extra firm tofu, crumbled

1 tbsp olive oil

1/4 red onion, chopped

2 cloves garlic, chopped

5 scallions, chopped

1/2 cup broccoli slaw

1 cup shelled edamame

4 tbsp low sodium soy sauce

Sriracha to taste


  • Whisk eggs and egg whites, season with salt and pepper. Spray skillet with oil and scramble the eggs on medium to medium-high heat. When done, remove from pan and set aside.

  • Crumble tofu, mix with 2 tablespoons soy sauce, and saute in skillet on medium heat for a few minutes until lightly browned.

  • Remove tofu from skillet and set aside. Add tablespoon of olive oil to skillet, increase temperature to medium-high heat, then cook onions, scallions, broccoli slaw and garlic for just 1-2 minutes.

  • Add brown rice and stir for a few minutes to reheat. Add cooked egg, tofu, and edamame, mixing for about 3-4 minutes. (Note to self: don’t explode the edamame when defrosting in microwave.)

  • Add in remaining 2 tablespoons of soy sauce (or more if you’d like), as well as Sriracha if you’d like some spice. Locate bowl, spoon, and mouth.

Eat and repeat!

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