Hatch Green Chile and Cheddar Scones

Scones always scared me. For some reason, just looking at them made me picture this:

They seemed like too much work, too many ingredients, and too darn stuffy. I felt like I needed to throw my head back and stink my pinky out when I announced that I made scones for dinner. I guess you could technically call these biscuits, but dogs eat biscuits. Kate Middleton eats scones. Or at least I would like to think she does. My logic is that if she can flip a pancake, she should eat a scone.

And she would want to eat mine. Because they have Hatch. Green. Chiles. in them. I have to admit I never got it. A chile is a chile is a pepper is a chile. Nope. And I’m sorry to have to give you this recipe right after hatch green chile season has ended, but you have options.

  1. Drive to Hatch, New Mexico and eat your heart out.
  2. Beg a wise friend who has stocked up on hatch green chiles like a squirrel stocks up on acorns.
  3. Substitute green chiles for jalapenos.
  4. Cry.

I was always told when in doubt pick C, but a road trip sounds fun too. So once you decide on your chile/pepper, you roast it. Why? The best answer that Google can give me is due to their thick skin, the peppers are roasted to make the skin easier to remove.

The best answer I can give you: you finally get to burn something to a crisp on purpose!

Broil them in the oven for a few minutes (I’d say 10 or so), stick them in a bag (the leftover paper grocery bags or even a Ziploc will do), let them steam for a few more minutes (10-20), and then like magic you can peel off the burnt skin, leaving the beautiful, green chile behind. It’s like a green chile cocoon!

Once you master this step, you’re pretty much smooth sailing and good eating from here.  Oh, and did I mention I tried to make these scones as guilt free as I could? They contain some whole wheat flour, less than half the butter, and low-fat buttermilk instead of heavy cream. But full flavor.

Hatch Green Chile and Cheddar Scones

1 c. all-purpose flour

1 c. whole wheat flour

1 tbsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

3 hatch green chiles (mild), diced

2 eggs, divided

1/2 c. low fat buttermilk

1 cup cheddar cheese

3 tbsp butter (cold) cut into small pieces



1. Roast the hatch green chiles. Remove the skin and seeds. For instructions/substitutions see above.

2. Mix the flour, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl.

3. Add cold butter to dry ingredients. Use 2 knives, or a pastry blender, to cut the butter until the mixture resembles course meal.

4. Beat buttermilk and 1 egg in second bowl.

5. Once chiles are diced, mix them plus the cheese into the dry ingredients.

6. Combine the buttermilk and egg mixture with the dry ingredients.  Dough should be sticky but not wet. Add more buttermilk if necessary. (I had to).

7. Place dough on floured surface and knead a few times with floured hands. THIS IS LIKE ADULT PLAY-DOH!

8. Form dough into 8-inch circle and place on well-oiled baking sheet. Cut dough into 8 or 10 pieces (depending on how much you want to share), but do not cut all the way through.

9. Beat second egg to make glaze and pour over scone dough. Sprinkle oregano.

10. Bake at 375 for 20 minutes


Looks iffy, tastes delicious.

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