Shrimp Orzo Soup with Asparagus and Bell Pepper

So this didn’t turn out quite as I had planned. But I can fix it. For you at least.

I’m crossing my fingers that this soup tastes better tomorrow (not that is was horrible), but it lacked some oomph that I can’t quite put my finger on. Lately I feel like dishes don’t have taste unless they are spicy so maybe that’s what I’m missing, but if spiciness isn’t your thing then maybe this is the dish for you!

I wanted to make a soup because today felt like what I would imagine a normal fall day in any other state would be like. But this isn’t any other state, this is Texas. And most every season (if you can even call them that) always seem to be a step behind.

So when I saw that the weather was going to be like this tonight…

…I immediately wanted to cook in a scarf, boots, and sweater. But I restrained myself. And settled for pj’s. If you’re reading this from up north, or aren’t constantly freezing like I am, please ignore the fact that I think 70 degrees qualifies as chilly.

So with this soup, I knew I wanted to incorporate orzo. If you aren’t familiar with orzo, it’s Italian for “barley” but looks like a large grain of rice. It can pretty much be used as a substitute for rice, and I even think it tastes better than rice and is easier to cook. I have yet to master the perfect cook time for fluffy, non-crunchy rice, but with orzo I seem to have a much better track record and love its’ chewy, soft texture.

I’m recommending you use vegetable broth in this since I used chicken broth and found it to be a little overwhelming. But if you want something that’s thicker I would continue with chicken broth.

On to the recipe!

Shrimp Orzo Soup with Asparagus and Bell Pepper

Servings: 4

Start to finish: 30 minutes give or take

4 c. vegetable broth

½ c, orzo

Juice of half a lemon

½ bushel of asparagus, broken into pieces

¼ onion, chopped

1/3  bell pepper, chopped

Feta for garnish

Handful of parsley

½ lb of shrimp, peeled and deveined


  • Bring the broth to a slow boil on medium heat in a large pot. Add whatever seasoning/herbs you’d like to intensify the broth’s flavor. I used what I found lying around which consisted of a bay leaf, saffron, and lemon peel. If you don’t have these, don’t worry. I don’t think they changed the flavor profile by much.

  • While broth is coming to a boil, devein, peel and wash the shrimp if fresh. Chop the onion, asparagus, and bell pepper.
  • Once broth is boiling, add in the orzo and vegetables as well as lemon juice. Cook for about 15 – 20 minutes (until orzo becomes soft). If you like your vegetables less crunchy, let cook a little longer. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Meanwhile, heat skillet to medium high heat and spray or brush with oil. When hot, add shrimp and parsley and cook until shrimp start to turn golden, 4 to 5 minutes. Sprinkle with salt.
  • When broth mixture is done remove from heat. Pour into bowls, add shrimp, and sprinkle with feta.

Eat and repeat! And happy early fall (September 22)!

I’ll leave you with this.

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