White Chocolate Pumpkin Pie

I love October. The whole month itself seems to be a celebration. The crock pot suddenly comes off the shelf and has a permanent place of residence next to the coffee maker. Grocery stores turn into pop-up pumpkin patches and I impulsively feel the need to buy 20 pumpkins at once, as if I’m rescuing them from the pumpkin pound or something. I begin to fantasize about eating soups and stews while wrapped in scarfs and reading a book.

My latest rescue pumpkin.

Growing up there was a specific book that we read in my family every October. It was called the The Biggest Pumpkin Ever. To this day, I remember that book and how we always ate corn bread and chili every Halloween. I may need to bring back that tradition this year.

And after today, I may need to add this pie to the October traditions. Because…

This pie is dangerous. So dangerous, in fact, that I ate one piece of this and then gave it away since I knew I would end up eating the whole thing in one sitting if given the opportunity.

This pie is easy. Especially if you use store-bought crust (gasp!). But even if you want to make your own crust, I don’t even think it would take that much longer.

This pie requires no baking (except for the crust), no eggs, no flour, no fuss. Have I got your attention yet?

When I decided on making a pumpkin pie I knew I wanted it to be different. Traditional pumpkin pie is okay, but I tend to err on the side of extra sweet and pumpkin pie just didn’t do it for me. So I went on a little pumpkin hunt to see what else was out there. (Or more like, I dreamed up what I thought were new, ground-breaking uses for pumpkin, and then had Google tell me that I wasn’t as inventive and unique as I thought.) This is what I found…

Pumpkin Pie with Toasted Coconut and Peanuts

Chocolate Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin Pie Bites

Spiderweb Pumpkin Pie

And finally, the one I settled on…White. Chocolate. Pumpkin. Pie.

And I was not disappointed. I hope you find this equally as satisfying. And if you try any of the other recipes please let me know how they turn out!

I hope to be well acquainted with this fruit by the end of the month.

White Chocolate Pumpkin Pie

Adapted from: The Moonlight Baker

– 12 oz. white chocolate chips, melted*

(*I would use between 8-12 oz. depending on how sweet you want this. If you’re like me and think Krispy Kreme donuts are the perfect amount of sweet, go ahead and use the whole bag. Makes for easier clean up!)

– 1/2 cup heavy cream, very hot

– 1 cup pumpkin puree

– 1 tsp. vanilla extract

– 1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice

– 1/2 tsp. salt

– pie crust, store-bought or otherwise

That’s it!


  • Heat cream on stove. Melt chocolate in microwave, roughly intervals of 30 seconds stirring in between. Whisk two together until smooth.



  • Whisk in pumpkin puree, vanilla, pumpkin pie spice, and salt. Until combined. Refrigerate on its’ own until thickened, 3-4 hours.
  • While waiting, or about one hour before serving the pie, bake crust according to package instructions. Let cool.
  • Marry filling to crust. Enjoy the love.

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