
The Costume Chronicles

I know that Mean Girls says that “Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it,” but some reason every Halloween I find myself dressed in some ridiculous costume that either limits movement or slowly falls apart throughout the night. For me, Halloween is the one night a year I can dress like a total lunatic and no one can call me crazy. You can always wear a slutty dress, but how many times can you wear cardboard for clothing and actually get away with it? That’s what I thought. So since Halloween is coming up (which is actually crazy to me since it’s still another month away) I am going to give you an early treat. Calorie free! Prepare yourself for my homemade Costume Chronicles, each one guaranteed to restrict movement, make transportation awkward, but most importantly attract much deserved attention. Warning: some assembly required.

Costume #1

Let’s start with my first attempt at an original costume…the disco ball.

I had this jewel of a dress lying around, and since I knew I’d never wear it in public again on any normal day (don’t ask me what I was thinking when I bought it) I didn’t want it to go to complete waste. Even though this costume involved a little explanation it was definitely the most wearable. But people thought I was everything from a fish to the Tin Man.

Costume #2 and #3

The next year I outdid myself and made TWO costumes. One for an 90’s themed organization mixer and one for a sorority date party. For the 90’s party I decided to go with…wait for it…Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head! Now I have to admit, this costume was pretty awesome. Not only was it pretty easy to make, but I even constructed it to have removable pieces! Let’s just say there was a lot of audience engagement with this one.

For the date party I was inspired by this hot air balloon costume: But since this didn’t really translate into a couples costume, I ran with the idea of balloons and came up with…UP! With myself and a sorority sister playing the part of the balloon house. While it was definitely a dangerous indoor costume (be weary of ceiling fans) it was definitely unique.

Costume #4

Now this next costume was the costume to rule all costumes…the Pinata. This costume took about 4 hours and an assembly line of friends to help complete. If I hadn’t lived in a sorority house at the time this thing would have never came to fruition. But after those 4 hours this costume was a thing of awesomeness. And to make it even better, if you hit me (gently) I gave you candy 😉 At the end of the night this costume had gone to pieces all over the front yard of a friend’s house…they claimed it looked like a rainbow had barfed all over the house.

Costume #5

Finally, we come to last Halloween. That year I wanted to do something I was familiar with (foam and cardboard) and also something that would get me free stuff. What could I possibly do with that criteria you say? Well a Whataburger number of course. This costume was easy, easily removable when needed to navigate, and even got me free food! How can you go wrong with that.

Well that concludes my Costume Chronicles. What will I be this year you ask? I guess you’ll have to stay tuned to find out 🙂 I hope that got your Halloween juices flowing! Let me know if you need tips on how to recreate one of these costumes for yourself. Happy Halloweening!

§ 3 Responses to Living

  • early mcwhorter says:

    Kelly, so good to see you have free time with your new job… you should sell your costume ideas,,, very cute. i hope you are enjoying your new Dallas setting. have you talked to Heidy lately? Cant wait to see your folks in Nov. when we are home. Mama Early

  • morg1673 says:

    sooooo i need an idea for the annual med school/ law school halloween party. HELP?!?!?!

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